We develop a revolutionary concept for wind energy:
safer, lighter, quicker, and more cost-effective.
Welcome to Wind Fisher – where innovation meets efficiency.
Explore our pioneering wind energy technology
and investment opportunities.
Wind-Fisher’s answer is to make Airborne Wind Energy not just a concept but a reality. Our patented concept is a lighter-than-air, helium-filled, rotating wing rotor that harnesses the aerodynamic Magnus effect.
The total amount of economically extractable power available from the wind is considerably more than present human power use from all sources
Currently, wind power supplies 7% of the electricity, worldwide, mainly in very large wind farms, operated by large utilities
Our belief is that wind energy should be available for smaller, local users. The demand for decentralized renewable energy (100 ~ 1000 kW) is growing fast worldwide
Classic wind turbines require a high CAPEX (60 M€ on average per wind project)
Classic wind projects have a long project lead time (7-10 years on average from start to end)
Classic wind turbines have a high environmental footprint
Classic wind energy has a poor load factor, impacting efficiency
Ce projet a reçu un financement du gouvernement français dans le cadre du Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir (PIA).
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